
Free Assessment: Learn Your Unique Qualities for Success

Professions focused on helping others, such as healthcare, first responders, and education, often lack formal business education. However, these roles inherently possess some of the most crucial and sought-after skills necessary for successful business ownership.

Even stay-at-home moms, who may not realize their potential as entrepreneurs, possess a wealth of untapped abilities that can flourish in the business world.

Our Free Assessment is designed to help you recognize how your skills from non-traditional business roles, including stay-at-home moms, can be transformed into unique qualities that seamlessly transfer to owning your own business. By guiding you through the assessment process, we will highlight your existing knowledge and provide insights into your potential for entrepreneurial success.

Take advantage of our free assessment today to uncover the hidden gems within your skillset and gain a clearer understanding of your capabilities as a business owner.

By taking our free assessment, you can evaluate your transferable skills and gauge their impact on your potential success as a business owner.




For each question, choose the best example that demonstrates your proficiency in the given transferable skill. Keep track of how many times you answer A, B, C, and so on. At the end of the quiz, multiply each letter count by their point values listed below (e.g. if you answered with 'A' 6 times, 6x5 = 30). Add all the letter values together for your final score and you will see how these transferable skills can contribute to starting a real estate business!


Answer A: 5 points
Answer B: 4 points
Answer C: 3 points
Answer D: 2 points
Answer E: 1 point


Question 1 of 16

Problem Solving

(Select all that apply)

You quickly assess a crisis situation, analyze the available resources and options, and make effective decisions to resolve the problem.


You encounter a challenging patient case and utilize your medical knowledge and critical thinking skills to diagnose and develop an appropriate treatment plan.


You encounter a challenge in managing your household budget, and you find creative ways to reduce expenses and allocate resources more efficiently.


You encounter a challenging situation and become overwhelmed, unable to find a solution or take decisive action.


You encounter a challenging situation and manage to find a solution after some thought and analysis.

Question 2 of 16

Analytic Reasoning

(Select all that apply)

You analyze and compare various products and services to make informed decisions on purchases, considering factors such as quality, price, and value for money.


You analyze complex patient data, including lab results and medical history, to identify potential correlations and patterns that aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment decisions.


You analyze complex crime scene data, evaluate evidence, and draw logical conclusions to identify potential suspects or patterns.


You fail to analyze available data and make hasty assumptions without considering all relevant factors, leading to flawed decision-making.


You analyze available data and consider relevant factors to make informed decisions, although there might be some room for improvement in your approach.

Question 3 of 16

Critical Thinking


Faced with a high-pressure situation, you remain calm, think rationally, and make swift and informed decisions to ensure the safety and well-being of those involved.


Faced with a medical emergency, you quickly assess the situation, prioritize interventions, and make critical decisions to ensure the best possible patient outcome.


Faced with conflicting parenting advice, you critically evaluate different approaches, research reliable sources, and make informed decisions that align with your values and the well-being of your children.


Faced with a complex problem, you rely on impulsive reactions and emotions rather than evaluating the situation objectively and considering multiple perspectives.


Faced with a complex problem, you apply a reasonable level of objectivity and evaluate multiple perspectives, but there is still potential for further development.

Question 4 of 16



You organize and coordinate a neighborhood event, taking charge of the planning, delegating tasks, and ensuring a successful and enjoyable experience for all participants.


You take charge of a healthcare team, delegating tasks, providing guidance, and fostering a collaborative environment to deliver quality patient care.


You take charge of a team during an emergency response, provide clear instructions, delegate tasks, and coordinate efforts to effectively manage the situation.


You struggle to delegate tasks or provide clear direction, resulting in a lack of coordination and confusion among your team members.


You can delegate tasks and provide clear direction to your team members, ensuring some level of coordination and productivity.

Question 5 of 16



In rapidly changing circumstances, you quickly adjust your plans and tactics, demonstrating flexibility and resourcefulness to handle unforeseen challenges.


In a fast-paced clinical setting, you effectively adjust your workflow, prioritize tasks, and handle unexpected changes or emergencies while maintaining a high standard of patient care.


When unexpected schedule changes occur, you quickly adjust your plans, rearrange activities, and find alternative solutions to ensure a smooth and balanced routine.


When faced with unexpected changes, you become rigid and resistant, finding it challenging to adjust your plans or embrace alternative approaches.


When faced with unexpected changes, you can adjust your plans and embrace alternative approaches, although it might take some effort and time to adapt fully.

Question 6 of 16



You collaborate with other parents in a school project, contributing your ideas, sharing responsibilities, and working together to achieve a common goal.


You actively collaborate with interdisciplinary healthcare professionals, effectively communicating and sharing information to optimize patient outcomes.


You collaborate seamlessly with other first responders, communicating effectively, sharing information, and coordinating efforts to achieve a common goal.


You struggle to collaborate effectively, displaying poor communication, and failing to actively listen or consider others' viewpoints.


You collaborate effectively with others, demonstrating good communication skills and actively considering others' viewpoints.

Question 7 of 16



You effectively communicate with victims, witnesses, and colleagues, displaying empathy, active listening, and clear articulation to gather information and provide support.


You effectively communicate complex medical information to patients and their families, ensuring they understand their conditions, treatment plans, and any potential risks or benefits.


You effectively communicate with your children, actively listening to their needs and concerns, and providing clear instructions and guidance to foster understanding and cooperation.


You frequently miscommunicate information, using vague or unclear language that leads to misunderstandings and confusion.


You generally communicate information clearly, using appropriate language, although there might be occasional instances of miscommunication or misunderstanding.

Question 8 of 16



You write detailed and organized daily schedules or to-do lists, ensuring that tasks are clearly outlined and easily manageable.


You document patient assessments, interventions, and outcomes accurately and comprehensively, maintaining organized and detailed medical records.


You write accurate and concise incident reports, documenting details, observations, and actions taken in a clear and organized manner.


Your written documentation lacks organization, coherence, and accuracy, making it difficult for others to understand or follow.


Your written documentation is generally organized, coherent, and accurate, although there may be areas for improvement in terms of clarity and conciseness.

Question 9 of 16



During a crisis intervention, you actively listen to individuals in distress, demonstrating empathy and understanding while gathering information to provide appropriate assistance.


During patient consultations, you actively listen to their concerns, symptoms, and medical histories, ensuring a comprehensive understanding to provide personalized care.


During a conversation with a friend, you actively listen, offering support and empathy, and providing valuable feedback or advice when needed.


During conversations or meetings, you often appear distracted or fail to actively listen, resulting in missed information or misinterpretation.


During conversations or meetings, you actively listen and try to understand others' perspectives, although there might be occasional lapses in attention.

Question 10 of 16

Project Management


You plan and execute a home renovation project, including budgeting, coordinating contractors, and overseeing the entire process to achieve desired results within a set timeline.


You oversee the planning and execution of complex operations, coordinating resources, setting objectives, and managing timelines to achieve successful outcomes.


You oversee a quality improvement project, setting goals, coordinating resources, tracking progress, and implementing changes to enhance patient care and outcomes.


You struggle to plan, prioritize, and track progress effectively, often missing deadlines or failing to allocate resources efficiently.


You can plan, prioritize, and track progress reasonably well, ensuring timely completion of tasks, although there might be some challenges in resource allocation.

Question 11 of 16

Relationship Building


You establish rapport and trust with individuals in high-stress situations, demonstrating empathy, respect, and effective communication to facilitate positive interactions.


You actively engage with other parents and community members, attending social events, initiating conversations, and nurturing meaningful relationships.


You build trust and rapport with patients, fostering positive and empathetic relationships to provide patient-centered care and encourage long-term patient loyalty.


You struggle to establish rapport or maintain positive connections with others, displaying a lack of empathy, trust, or effective communication.


You establish rapport and maintain positive connections with others, displaying empathy, trust, and effective communication, although there may be opportunities for further improvement.

Question 12 of 16

Computer Skills


You proficiently navigate electronic medical record systems, efficiently retrieve patient information, document encounters, and generate reports to facilitate smooth workflow and accurate data management.


You proficiently use specialized software and technology to access critical information, conduct research, and analyze data for investigative purposes.


You proficiently use computer software or online platforms to manage household finances, create budgets, and track expenses effectively.


You have difficulty navigating basic computer programs and struggle to effectively use technology for data management or research purposes.


You have a basic understanding of computer programs and can perform tasks necessary for data management and research, although there might be room for improvement in utilizing advanced tools.

Question 13 of 16



You manage daily household tasks, such as meal planning, cleaning schedules, and organizing family activities, ensuring a well-functioning and harmonious home environment.


You manage a healthcare facility or department, overseeing staff, budgeting, and resource allocation to ensure optimal operations and patient satisfaction.


You effectively supervise and mentor team members, providing guidance, feedback, and support to maximize their performance and professional development.


As a manager, you fail to provide clear expectations, support, or guidance to your team, resulting in low morale and suboptimal performance.


As a manager, you provide clear expectations, support, and guidance to your team, ensuring satisfactory performance, although there may be areas for refinement in leadership skills.

Question 14 of 16

Customer Service


You provide compassionate and respectful assistance to individuals in crisis, ensuring their needs are met and their concerns are addressed with professionalism and empathy.


You provide exceptional customer service to patients and their families, addressing their concerns, providing emotional support, and ensuring a compassionate healthcare experience.


You provide excellent customer service when interacting with service providers, contractors, or vendors, ensuring clear communication, prompt responses, and satisfactory outcomes.


You consistently provide poor customer service, displaying impatience, lack of empathy, and failure to address customer concerns or needs effectively.


You generally provide good customer service, displaying patience, empathy, and addressing customer concerns or needs effectively, although there might be occasional areas for improvement.

Question 15 of 16

Problem Solving


You encounter a conflict between your children, and you mediate the situation, actively listening to both sides, finding common ground, and fostering resolution and understanding.


You encounter a process inefficiency in healthcare delivery, and you collaborate with stakeholders, analyze data, and implement process improvements to enhance patient care and workflow.


You encounter a complex logistical challenge in coordinating emergency response efforts, and you analyze the situation, identify bottlenecks, and implement solutions to streamline operations.


When faced with a challenge, you avoid taking initiative or seeking solutions, instead relying on others to resolve issues on your behalf.


When faced with a challenge, you actively seek solutions and take initiative to resolve issues, demonstrating a reasonable level of problem-solving skills.

Question 16 of 16

Attention to Detail


You consistently overlook important details, leading to errors, inaccuracies, and potential consequences in your work.


You meticulously examine a crime scene, noticing and documenting even the smallest details, ensuring that no evidence is overlooked.


You meticulously follow medication administration protocols, double-checking dosages, routes, and patient allergies to ensure patient safety.


You meticulously plan and organize family events, paying close attention to every detail, from decorations to meal arrangements, to ensure a memorable experience.


You pay attention to important details in your work, ensuring accuracy, although there might be occasional instances where minor details are overlooked.

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